Functions and commands

Tip: gpt-4-1106-preview is the best model to use for command handling, The gpt-4-turbo-preview model can sometimes refuse to execute commands.

PyGPT uses an internal syntax to define commands and their parameters, which can then be used by the model and executed on the application side or even directly in the system. This syntax looks as follows (example command below):

~###~{"cmd": "send_email", "params": {"quote": "Why don't skeletons fight each other? They don't have the guts!"}}~###~

It is JSON wrapped between ~###~. The application extracts the JSON object from such formatted text and executes the appropriate function based on the provided parameters and command name. Many of these types of commands are defined in plugins (e.g., those used for file operations or internet searches). You can also define your own commands using the Custom Commands plugin, or simply by creating your own plugin and adding it to the application.

Tip: The Execute commands option checkbox must be enabled to allow the execution of commands from plugins. Disable the option if you do not want to use commands, to prevent additional token usage (as the command execution system prompt consumes additional tokens).


A special system prompt responsible for invoking commands is added to the main system prompt if the Execute commands option is active.

However, there is an additional possibility to define your own commands and execute them with the help of GPT. These are functions - defined on the OpenAI API side and described using JSON objects. You can find a complete guide on how to define functions here:

PyGPT offers compatibility of these functions with commands used in the application. All you need to do is define the appropriate functions using the syntax required by OpenAI, and PyGPT will do the rest, translating such syntax on the fly into its own internal format.

You can define functions for modes: Chat and Assistants. Note that - in Chat mode, they should be defined in Presets, and for Assistants, in the Assistant settings.

Example of usage:

  1. Chat

Create a new Preset, open the Preset edit dialog and add a new function using + Function button with the following content:

Name: send_email

Description: Sends a quote using email

Params (JSON):

        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "quote": {
                "type": "string",
                "description": "A generated funny quote"
        "required": [

Then, in the Custom Commands plugin, create a new command with the same name and the same parameters:

Command name: send_email

Instruction/prompt: send mail (don’t needed, because it will be called on OpenAI side)

Params list: quote

Command to execute: echo "OK. Email sent: {quote}"

At next, enable the Execute commands option and enable the plugin.

Ask GPT in Chat mode:

Create a funny quote and email it

In response you will receive prepared command, like this:

~###~{"cmd": "send_email", "params": {"quote": "Why do we tell actors to 'break a leg?' Because every play has a cast!"}}~###~

After receiving this, PyGPT will execute the system echo command with params given from params field and replacing {quote} placeholder with quote param value.

As a result, response like this will be sent to the model:

[{"request": {"cmd": "send_email"}, "result": "OK. Email sent: Why do we tell actors to 'break a leg?' Because every play has a cast!"}]
  1. Assistant

In this mode (via Assistants API), it should be done similarly, with the difference that here the functions should be defined in the assistant’s settings.

With this flow you can use both forms - OpenAI and PyGPT - to define and execute commands and functions in the application. They will cooperate with each other and you can use them interchangeably.